Hello, We’re Thinking Cap

Thinking Cap Office

We’re passionate about what we do

Thinking Cap is our logo and our ethos – there is science, magic, and just a bit of whimsy in our Thinking Cap, in us, and in our clients.

We’re a trusted source for innovative learning solutions

Since we started in 2001, we’ve delivered superior learning management solutions to corporate, higher education, and not-for-profit clients on four continents. The result is that we have helped hundreds of thousands of learners expand their knowledge, skills, and expertise.

We’re always listening, learning, and growing

Every year, we head to Toronto Island to hold a voice of the customer session called Thinking Camp with our customers and friends.We listen to the customer experience, look for new and innovative ways to provide customer-focused learning solutions, and brainstorm the direction of the Thinking Cap system and the company as a whole. These listening sessions ensure that we continue to be the transparent, honest, and visionary solution our customers trust.

What Sets Us Apart

The attention you deserve

Your company represents your unique innovation. Thinking Cap spends time getting to know you and your team, learning about your vision and priorities, to help make sure our learning solution provides the service and support you need to succeed.

The solution that's right for you

We don’t simply sell software; we partner with you to help you meet your challenges and reach your learning goals. No matter what existing systems you have, or if you have none at all, we’ll find the Thinking Cap solution that suits you best and integrate it seamlessly into your learning environment.

The customization you want

Our solution is powerful enough to meet 90% of your needs straight out of the box. What really sets us apart is the attention we provide the remaining 10%, which is where much of the finely tuned customization lives. If it’s right for your business and meets your needs, we can add new rules, new reports, or entirely new functions. Whatever your business needs from its learning solution, we can give you.

Clear pricing that fits your budget

We know that you need to get the most out of your budget. No matter the size of your business, we can provide an affordable learning solution for your business. All our pricing reflects the total cost of the LMS with no hidden prices or add-ons. What you see is what you pay.

Standards you can live with

Our learning solution meets all industry standards for learning, security, and usability. Thinking Cap was the second LMS to be SCORM 2004 certified, and we are active contributors to the ongoing development of the standards and best practices in the LMS industry.

The partnership you need, every step of the way

We learned our craft by relentlessly exploring every part of our industry. We’ve built ideas, dismantled them and rebuilt them, burned our fingers, and navigated our way out of dense forests of complex concepts, all to learn about what we can do to become better every day. When we learn, we can help you learn better, and our success becomes your success.

Ready to take the next step?

Book a demo